Friday 16 November 2012

Sixth Day :)

Hello again...another week, another day of my work experience :)

Today was really hectic and I had a lot to get done in a small space of time. I was supposed to be in with the one teacher, and one class, all day. Unfortunately the teacher was absent this day and the class was split up to go to other classes. On the plus side though, the classes were all in the process of swapping their library books. This meant that I was in for one hugely busy day....

Basically the system is, each book, in each class library has a small paper pouch in each one, stamped with the school stamp. In each one of these there was a small piece of card with the books title. When a child takes a book, they insert the card into their own card pouch that they have with their name on it. Usually the students personal cards on stuck up on the wall. This is the schools book borrowing system and it works really effectively.

My job for the day was to check every single book from all the first class libraries. Any ones that didn't have either a stamp, pouch, or card, were put in a pile. I then had to stamp, cut and stick...I had to make the pouches and cards for those books that did not have them. This took up a lot of the day, nearly all of it actually, but it really helped the teachers out so I didn't mind at all.

Once all the books had everything the needed in them, I swapped them all around. Now each of the classes had brand new books to read. I only had about a half an hour left of the day once all this was done, so I went to help out a teacher whom I had heard needed help doing a few jobs. I spent the rest of the day in that class doing some posters, taking them down and putting them up.

Overall, it was the busiest day I have had so far, but it was also I really great day because I was glad to be

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